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Russian Standard Vodka Gold 750ml

Russian Standard Vodka Gold (750ml)

Russian Standard Gold starts like other Russian Standard vodkas--hardy winter wheat from the Black Steppes and glacial water from Lake Ladoga are combined and then distilled and quadruple filtered through...
Taaka Vodka 750ml

Taaka Vodka (750ml)

Taaka is an excellent example of a smooth, clean vodka that does not sport a high price tag. Its four distillation process and the charcoal filtration allow Taaka to produce...
Menage A Trois Berry Vodka 750ml

Menage A Trois Berry Vodka (750ml)

Menage A Trois Berry Vodka is infused with raspberry, cranberry and pomegranate. It’s a sophisticated, luxurious flavored vodka with fresh berry aromas, intense berry flavors and a clean, smooth finish....
Menage A Trois Citrus Vodka 750ml

Menage A Trois Citrus Vodka (750ml)

Vodka’s subtle flavor makes it an extremely versatile spirit to use in cocktails—its ability to showcase other ingredients’ flavors and aromas is unrivaled because it doesn’t have any (or very...
Pinnacle Vodka Raspberry 750ml

Pinnacle Vodka Raspberry (750ml)

Raspberries need to be picked at the perfect time, but it’s always the perfect time to pour one with Pinnacle® Raspberry Vodka. Pinnalce Raspberry Flavored Vodka captures the juicy zing...
Pinnacle Vodka 750ml

Pinnacle Vodka (750ml)

A Vodka that speaks for itself. Which means we don’t have to tell you we’re distilled five times with a crisp, smooth finish, but I guess we just did. Distilled...
Khortytsa Platinum Vodka 750ml

Khortytsa Platinum Vodka (750ml)

The main feature of this vodka is its unsurpassed softness, which has been achieved thanks to an optimal balance of all ingredients. Created for those who appreciate delicate flavor. It...
Beluga Transatlantic Racing Special Edition Vodka 750ml

Beluga Transatlantic Racing Special Edition Vodka (750ml)

A crisp and fresh-tasting vodka from Beluga. Inspired by the success of the Russian transatlantic sailing team who broke the record for speed of crossing back in 2011. ABV: 40% Age...
Crop Harvest Earth Vodka 750ml

Crop Harvest Earth Vodka (750ml)

Crop Organic Artisanal Vodka has a refreshingly crisp, clean, pure taste. Our Crop Meyer Lemon Vodka strikes a delicate balance between the sweet and tart flavors of this unique fruit. Starting...
Svedka Rose Vodka 750ml

Svedka Rose Vodka (750ml)

Blended with 5% rose wine for a sweet and balanced flavor with vibrant fruit aromas, SVEDKA Rose Flavored Vodka is a smooth and easy-drinking vodka. Mouthwatering strawberry and pineapple flavors...
Svedka Vodka 750ml

Svedka Vodka (750ml)

SVEDKA Vodka is a smooth and easy-drinking vodka infused with a subtle, rounded sweetness, making it an ideal addition to countless vodka cocktails. Made with the finest spring water and...
UV 103 Proof Vodka (750ml)

UV 103 Proof Vodka (750ml)

TALL, DARK & HANDSOME Higher-proof and smooth? UV 103 is definitely a catch. Made the same as UV Vodka but with a higher alcohol content. When you see it, you know...